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The Cost to Build a SCIF or SAPF

The driving factors affecting the cost of ICD 705 construction

Due to the highly specialized requirements that SCIFs and SAPFs need to meet, they are an expensive form of construction. They must be built to the requirements found in the ICD 705 Technical Specifications, or Tech Spec. These buildings require layers of security, known as Security in Depth (SID) that includes physical, acoustic and emanations protection along with visual controls. They also have restrictions on who can work on them, which further drives up costs.

Determining SCIF Costs

The cost of your SCIF or SAPF project will be dependent on several factors, such as if you will be required to add TEMPEST mitigations, what type of construction you use and what type of workers you’re able to use.

There are several fixed costs in SCIFs that you’ll face regardless of your facility size. This includes construction materials like an STC-rated front door (which may also need RF shielding), security hardware like your Access Control System (ACS) or Intrusion Detection System (IDS), or personnel costs like construction oversight, design and project management. These will cost the same whether your facility is a shipping container or a massive building.

Because of this, facility construction costs don’t scale at a consistent rate. A 900 sq foot facility will not be half the cost of an 1800 sq foot facility. Your cost per square foot will be significantly higher for a smaller facility and will decrease as the facility size increases.

Tenant improvement will be the least expensive option typically for SCIF/SAPF construction, though it requires an existing building. This is followed by traditional construction, then modular, then container SCIFs. Of course, cost is not the only consideration in determining what type of construction will fit your construction. Modular and container SCIFs typically have significantly shortened construction times and less on-site disruption than other methods, and they have the ability to be relocated.

Controlling Costs

While there are significant costs that are out of your hands for SCIF construction, there are ways you can manage your budget and avoid unnecessary extra expenses.

Work with Your AO From the Start: Your AO will be the one determining a lot of your facility’s requirements. Engage with them early to make sure your program’s needs are being met from design. There is no room for guesswork in SCIF construction, and working closely with your AO can help you avoid delays and mistakes during the construction process.

Understand Your Timeline: SCIF construction can often be a hurry-up-and-wait situation. Your AO may be busy and take a while to respond, key materials may have increased lead times, or there may be other unforeseen circumstances that can extend your timeline. Make sure you understand where these delays may come from, like if certain materials are facing a shortage, and plan accordingly for them from the beginning to avoid having to expedite shipping or pay overtime to get things done on time.

Work with an Expert: ICD 705 construction is a highly specialized field. Most general contractors won’t be familiar with the requirements or the documentation that needs to happen throughout the process, like extensive photo documentation. Choose a company that has SCIF-specific experience and can make sure the facility meets your requirements. Redoing work will cause a significant price increase, along with delaying when the facility will be operational. Don’t risk working with someone who will make these costly mistakes, but choose a company that will make the accreditation process easy.

The experts at Strategic Solutions Unlimited will find you a solution customized to your program needs. Our cutting-edge modular and container options offer an expedited solution and will meet or exceed your requirements an offer unparalleled flexibility. Contact us today to learn more.

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